
‘I’ve passed my task as the best Vice President ever in Ghana, Make me President – Dr Bawumia

The Flagbearer of the governing New Patriotic Party NPP Dr Mahamadu says he has passed his task as the vice president of Ghana, appealing to voters to push him up as the next president of Ghana.

“I am the best vice president in the history of Ghana, and clearly I have passed the test Ghanaians gave me eight years ago, which clearly puts me in a good position to lead as president”.

The NPP’s flagbearer said this when he called on the Ashanti Regional House of Chiefs on Monday June 10, 2024.

Reasons He must be voted as President

Dr Bawumia addressing the chiefs gave five reasons why Ghanaians must vote him as the next president

Before I go, I want to humbly give you five reasons why I believe strongly I am the best to lead the country as president, first of all, I have a good vision for Ghana, pragmatic policies that will transform the country exponentially, secondly I am not corrupt, and I can assure you that I will fight corruption to the fullest if I become president”

” I can also assure you that, I will be accountable to you since I will have to come back again to seek another mandate compared to my main opponent, again I am he only presidential candidate with vast experience in digitalization, something Ghana needs to be part of the fourth industrial realm”.

Dr Bawumia again added that, he was the best to lead Ghana because he was always going to become there and accountable for the voters

The NPP Flagbearer, as part of his quest to lead the country, has been touring the country with his “Bold Solutions for the Future” as the theme for the campaign, and he had already covered 15 regions, so far.

On his first day in the Region, he is expected to meet with the Clergy, and Muslim leaders in Kumasi Central Mosque.

Dr Bawumia will subsequently meet with traders at the Kumasi Central Market.

The NPP flagbearer will conclude the first day of his campaign activities at the True Vine Hotel with meetings with various professional bodies, including the Ghana Medical Association, Ghana Bar Association, Ghana Journalists Association, University Teachers Association of Ghana, Ghana National Association of Teachers, National Association of Graduate Teachers and Coalition of Concerned Teachers.

Source: Ghana/otecfmghana.com/Jacob Agyenim Boateng

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