
Friends of Bawumia urges NPP to approve Dr. Prempeh’s nomination as running mate

Friends of Bawumia (FOB) has called on the National Executive Committee of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) to approve the nomination of Dr. Matthew Opoku Prempeh as the party’s running mate.

In a press statement on Wednesday, July 3, FOB emphasized that Dr. Prempeh’s nomination reflects the choice of the party’s grassroots and will help the NPP retain power in the 2024 elections.

The group urged all party faithful, particularly stalwarts, to support the nomination and work together for victory.

“The approval of Dr. Prempeh’s nomination will be a testament to the party’s commitment to the grassroots and will bolster our chances of victory in the 2024 elections,” FOB stated.

“Let us rally behind this ticket and work together to secure a resounding victory for the NPP,” the statement copied to OTEC News Desk added.

FOB’s call comes as the NPP prepares for its National Executive Committee meeting to discuss the nomination of Dr. Prempeh as the party’s running mate.

Read full statement

Source: Ghana/otecfmghana.com/Jacob Agyennim Boateng

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