
Ghana is a ‘hell’ for the youth – Youth group

A youth group, Dynamic Youth Movement of Ghana (DYMOG), has described the current state of the Ghanaian economy as a hell for the youth.

The group noted that issues affecting the economic wellbeing of the people, including education, job creation, corruption and general insecurity, if not addressed, could “threaten the peace in the country.

”There are numerous issues transpiring in Ghana at the moment which we believe are flashes of fire, that if not quenched can threaten the peace and tranquility we are enjoying as a Nation.”

In a statement sighted by otecfmghana.com, the group claimed that it is almost impossible to entreat the youth to contribute to peace building when conditions in the country do not give the Youth simple peace of mind.

”DYMOG believes, if little drops of water can make a mighty ocean, conversely, little drops of fire can create hell as well”.

According to the group, increased transport fares, fuel price hikes, high utility tariffs, high interest rates, depreciating cedi, high import duties among other occurrences are making Ghana a ‘hell’ for the Ghanaian Youth.

”They assured us the Youth, jobs will be created. But today, there is no glimpse of hope. Unemployment has mercilessly engulfed the vast majority of the Youth. The Ghanaian Youth are wallowing in the deep valleys of utmost despair. Pain and suffering is our song”.

They however called on government to organize a “National Governance and Policy Forum” and take ideas from other Political Parties, Civil Society and Citizens to help government solve the challenges that befall the nation.


Source: otecfmghana.com

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