
NPP security fired warning shots at us – Ade Coker


Joseph Ade Coker

The Greater Accra Regional branch of the ruling National Democratic Congress (NDC) has described as frivolous claims that it instigated an attack on the house of the presidential candidate of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), Nana Akufo-Addo Sunday.

According to its chairman, Joseph Ade Coker some security personnel at the Nima residence of the NPP leader started firing gunshots at them while embarking on a health walk.

Nima police personnel managed to stop clashes between supporters of the NPP and NDC following attacks on the house of Nana Akufo-Addo.

This was after some persons alleged to be supporters of the NDC undertaking a walk, allegedly veered off to Mr. Akufo-Addo’s Nima residence pelted stones and broken bottles into the house causing some damage.

The supporters according to reports, tried to enter the house but met resistance from security men. This nearly resulted in a bloody clash.

The NPP in a statement has accused the NDC of instigating the attack and has vowed to meet them boot-for-boot.

But Ade Coker rather accused the NPP of perpetrating violence ahead of the December 7 general elections.

He indicated that, the route for the health walk was publicized thus the NPP supporters planned to attack them.

The NDC Greater Accra Regional Chairman maintained that, his party supporters who were part of the jamboree could not have pelted stones into Akufo-Addo’s house.


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