Adwoa Safo NOT in the list of Worst MPs – Odekro

We want to acknowledge that we erred in the graphic representation of Madam Adwoa Safo’s performance in the Sixth Parliament as captured in our factsheet and thus, we render an unqualified apology to her.
For the avoidance of doubt, Madam Adwoa Safo ranked 58th in the Sixth Parliament with a contribution score of 52.02/60 and attendance score of 24.13/40; totaling 76.15%. Her scorecard was publicly available on our facebook page as at December 6, 2016(https://web.facebook.com/Odekro/photos/a.907227486043793.1073741827.290627547703793/908497282583480/?type=3&theater) All scorecards in the factsheet should be disregarded and reference should rather be made to the scorecards we publish online.
Odekro undertook an independent assessment of the Sixth Parliament of the Fourth Republic of Ghana with the aim to fill the information gap with the necessary data to hold Parliament and MPs accountable.
“The Report on the Sixth Parliament on the Fourth Republic of Ghana” is an open data project, limited to what is made available by Parliament in the Hansards. It offers citizens, civil society, media, industry and academia an authoritative baseline to assess the performance of Parliament and MPs. We also believe Parliamentarians in the Seventh Parliament will be able to draw lessons from the findings presented therein, and see how they can improve their citizen conferred mandate.
According to Professor Akilagpa Sawyerr, the Chair of the Steering Committee of STAR-Ghana, this report provides adequate information to understanding Ghana’s Parliament. He has called on the leadership of Parliament to revise the standing orders and enhance the capacity of MPs to deliver on their conferred mandate. He also called for an inclusive dialogue with the participation of relevant stakeholders and Parliament on streamlining processes to making Parliament more transparent and open to the general public.
For Parliament to be truly representative, citizens must have access to information about Parliamentary proceedings. This will enhance engagement between citizens and Parliamentarians (MPs) and stimulate debate. Parliament does not belong to politicians; MPs have the honour of being chosen by us to serve, and thus everything must be done to ensure they communicate transparently with and can be scrutinized by citizens.
In the report, you will find useful and pertinent information crucial to understanding how Ghana’s Parliament works, how the leadership exercises its power and how both sides of the House (Majority and Minority) attend to bills of national importance.