Dr. Nduom pledges support for Nana Addo

The Progressive People’s Party (PPP) says it will remain a credible and relevant political party even after losing in the 2016 elections.
The Presidential Candidate of the Party, Dr. Papa Kwesi Nduom, insists the PPP would continue to advocate programs and policies for national development as well as hold the incoming government accountable.
He says the party will not disappear like some others only to resurface during elections.
Dr. Ndoum told Viasat 1 News that the PPP will continue to remain advocates for change and a party in opposition working in the best interest of Ghanaians.
“We are bent on redeeming the pledge that we have made to Ghanaians that we are not going to be a party that is going to exist only when elections are rife. we will continue to advocate for change to improve the lives of Ghanaians.
He mentioned that President-elect Nana Addo has repeatedly committed himself to most of the reforms being advocated for by the PPP.
Dr. Ndoum therefore stressed that the PPP will hold Nana Addo to his word, demanding that he redeems his promises to Ghanaians.
“We are glad to note that the leader of the incoming NPP administration has repeatedly committed himself to the implementation of many of the reforms we (PPP) made. So, let me state clearly that we will be there to advocate, support and play whatever positive role to ensure the legal adoption and implementation of the change agenda, adding “We will also hold the incoming leader to his word; his promises must be redeemed.”
Dr. Nduom added that the Progressive People’s Party will support and play a positive role in the legal adoption and implementation of the change agenda.
The Progressive People’s Party (PPP) led by flagbearer, Dr. Papa Kwesi Nduom, came third in the 2016 elections with 105, 682 votes representing 1%.
The Party has since blamed its loss at the polls on what it describes as a deliberate orchestration against it.
Source: viasat1.com.gh