Authorities of the Ejisuman Senior High School (SHS) at the Ejisu-Juaben Municipality of the Asante Region have sacked seven girls from their boarding facilities over a social media video that went viral recently.
The seven are all final year students.
According to the letter of expulsion sighted by, the decision to expel them from the various boarding houses was reached in consultation with their parents.
In the video that got tongues wagging, the seven girls are seen wondering why girls were so protective of themselves and were unwilling to allow boys have sex with them.
After expressing disappointment over the issue, the leader of the group then advised ladies to give in to the sexual advances of boys and men since once they died, their sex organs would be of no use.
Predictably, the obscene video angered the authorities who have now found them guilty of using an unauthorized gadget(mobile phone), intentionally uploading an obscene video on social media and damaging the image and reputation of the school.
Watch the full videos below
Source: Ghana/