
Gloria Akuffo must vacate post if she cannot prosecute corrupt opposition elements – NPP group

A group calling itself Coalition of NPP Footsoldiers against Corruption has given the Attorney General, Madam Gloria Akuffo up to the end of October to vigorously start prosecuting members of the erstwhile Mahama administration cited for corruption or vacate her position.

According to the group, almost two years into the Akufo-Addo Government, the AG and her deputies are yet to touch the landmark corrupt deals some former appointees were involved in.

They have called on President Akufo-Addo to sack her if she doesn’t live up to expectations. This is their full statement;


Press Release!

One of the many reasons which brought the New Patriotic Party to power was the massive corruption of the erstwhile John Mahama administration.

In opposition, we justifiably listed a wide range of corrupt deals that the Mahama Government was involved in. Ghanaians listened to our cries because it was glaring to everybody that Mahama and his people were corrupt to the brim.

Almost two years into our government, there is very little to show for the numerous endemic corrupt cases which we sang back then.

Let us remind Madam Gloria Akuffo and her deputies of some of those cases we mentioned;

•Betty Mould Iddrisu and Ebo Barton Odro in the payment of the fraudulent judgment debt ($35 million) paid to Woyome.

•The $30 million to Messrs Waterville.

•The Isofoton scandal.

•The $36 million SUBAH deal for no work done.

•Dzifa Attivor and her GHC3.6 million bus branding saga.

•Misappropriation of Masloc funds.

•The $100 million GYEEDA scandal to Better Ghana Management Services, Zeera, etc.

•The $10 billion STX housing deal.

•The GHC29.23 million Nima Drainage Project.

•The inflated $85 million Kwame Nkrumah Circle Interchange.

•The inflated $172.6 million Kasoa Interchange project.

•The inflated $100 million Tamale International Airport project.

•Elvis Afriyie-Ankrah, Kojo Adu Asare and their looting of our funds during the Brazil World Cup.

•Inflated costs of many projects, including the Terminal 3 at KIA.

•The inflated $88 million Embraer 190 jet by Mahama.

•The Ford Expedition scandal which was as a result of the contract handed to Djibril Kanazoe by Mahama and the shoddy job done on the Eastern Corridor road.

•The stinking numerous SADA deals.

•The $9 million contract to supply Rlg laptops to Rowland Agambira most of which were never supplied.

•The $18 million contract to Asongtaba.

•The secret and illegal lodging of $250 million in UBA.

•The Karpower deal.

•The Ameri deal and a host of other corrupt deals of the administration.

Since we came to power, several discoveries have also been made in many entities in which corruption can be detected.

The double salary saga which hit some past ministers who were also MPs has been left unattended to.

We have come to realize that the Attorney General, Madam Gloria Akuffo and her deputies are either not interested in prosecuting these landmark cases or they lack the competence to do so.

We in this coalition are asking the Attorney General to leave her office if she thinks she cannot handle these cases. Her lacklustre performance is giving us headaches.

We are using this medium to appeal to the President of the Republic, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo to, as a matter of urgency, order the Attorney General to live up to expectations or sack her and her lieutenants!

We are losing the moral courage to tell Ghanaians the NDC is a bad case when it comes to corruption, and the refrain has always been ‘prosecute them if they are corrupt’.

Sadly enough, the one to prosecute these corrupt appointees of John Mahama appears to be sitting on the fence. We cannot look on while she fails to do the very work upon which she was appointed.

We are tired of hearing that the NDC was corrupt. If they were corrupt, which we all know they were, why is Madam Gloria Akuffo refusing to prosecute them? Is she in bed with them or what?

We the Coalition of NPP Footsoldiers against Corruption are giving Gloria Akuffo up to the end of this month or she leaves the position she occupies with her deputies for a more competent team to handle these cases.

Anything contrary to these demands would result in the coalition mobilizing our supporters across the length and breadth of this country to demonstrate against Madam Gloria Akuffo and her deputies.

Thank you!

Samuel Kwarteng,



Eric Adu Fosu (Member)


 Mmabila Nyaaba (Member)


 Nana Afia (Member)


 Gyamfi Bismark (Member)


Source: Ghana/otecfmghana.com

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