
Police to Speaker: We’ll use legal means to get Francis-Xavier Sosu

The police administration has served notice that it will use “every legal means to interrogate” the MP for Madina, Francis-Xavier Sosu, after the Speaker of Parliament, Alban Bagbin, refused to release him to assist in investigations.

The police are after the National Democratic Congress (NDC) lawmaker over his alleged involvement in a protest in his constituency which led to an “unlawful road blockade and destruction of public property”.

The Criminal Investigation Division (CID) of the Ghana Police Service wrote to the Speaker on Wednesday (27 October 2021) requesting the release of the MP.

However, in a response, issued through the deputy director of legal services, Nana Tawiah Okyir, the Speaker said: “I am directed by the Rt Hon Speaker to inform you that proceedings of the 3rd Meeting of the 1st Session of the 8th Parliament commenced on Tuesday 26 October 2021 and having regard to the limitations of Articles 117 and 118 of the 1992 Constitution of the Republic, he is unable to release the Member of Parliament as requested in your letter.”

Matter of privileges committee

The Speaker said he had already referred the case to the privileges committee of Parliament to probe “breach of parliamentary privilege and contempt by ACP Isaac Kojo Asante and ACP Eric Winful of the Accra Regional Police Command and the Adenta Divisional Command respectively”.

In a statement on Sunday (31 October), the police said: “The MP, Francis-Xavier Sosu, was invited on the day of the protest to assist the police for his alleged involvement in the unlawful blockade of a road and the destruction of public property but he declined the invitation.

“He declined further invitations, citing parliamentary privilege.

“Three other persons have been interrogated on this matter and we shall continue to use every legal means to interrogate all other suspects including the Honourable MP for Madina,” the statement added.

Denial of arrest

The police also denied going to the MP’s church to effect his arrest on Sunday.

“Stories circulating that some police personnel had been dispatched to arrest the MP at a church today Sunday (31 October 2021) are untrue,” said the statement, signed by ACP Kwesi Ofori on behalf of the Police Service.

“Any plain-clothed police personnel found on the premises of the church may have been there for intelligence purposes and not to effect an arrest.”

Below is the full statement:

Source: Ghana/otecfmghana.com

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