A disturbing incident has unfolded in the aftermath of President-Elect John Dramani Mahama’s swearing-in ceremony, as a group of agitated thugs claiming to be members of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) stormed the home of Alhasan Abdul Razak, a 28-year-old Personal Aide to the Bono Regional Chairman of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), Ibrahim Baba Bukari.
The NDC thugs, allegedly armed, attempted to attack Razak, but he was fortunate enough to be absent from the scene.
However, his family was not spared, as eyewitnesses report that they bore the brunt of the assault, leaving two injured.
According to sources, Razak’s rigorous campaign for the NPP’s presidential candidate, Dr. Mahamadu Bawumia, during the 2024 polls, may have incurred the wrath of the NDC thugs.
The incident has been reported to the police, but security experts are warning Razak to seek refuge, as his return may put his life at risk.
This incident raises concerns about the safety of political opponents and their families, particularly in the aftermath of elections.
It’s worth noting that similar incidents of violence have been reported in the past, including the conviction of two NDC executives for assault in the Sissala East Constituency.
Razak Faces Threats from Own Party
The situation for Abdul Razak, , has taken a dire turn Following the loss of the NPP presidential candidate, Dr. Mahamadu Bawumia, in the 2024 polls.
Razak’s own party members have joined in threatening him and accusing him of sabotaging Dr. Bawumia’s efforts during the NPP’s internal elections.
According to the reports, on 4th November 2023, during the party’s delegates congress of which the Vice President won the Flagbearership position. After the victory, a series of complaints were reported to Abdul Razak boss about him (Abdul Razak) switching or leaking information to another candidate (Kennedy Ohene Agyapong), camp group.
Despite his rigorous campaign for the NPP, he has become a target for his own party members due to a previous internal rift putting his life into serious jeopardy but his whereabouts is not immediately known.
The threats against Abdul Razak have worsened; putting his safety and well-being at risk as both NPP and NDC members are chasing him for various reasons.
Source: Ghana/otecfmghana.com/