NPP NEC endorses soon to be launched manifesto

The National Executive Council of the New Patriotic Party has unanimously endorsed the soon to be launched 2016 manifesto.
Ex-president John Kufuor and other founding fathers of the party in a spectacle of political unity gave their blessing for the manifesto to be outdoored on Sunday.
The manifesto, dubbed Agenda For Change, spells out policies the NPP hopes to implement if given the power to lead the country in 2017.
Acting Chairman of the party, Freddie Blay told OTECNEWS the manifesto is not just an “expression of intent” but a serious document which has well thought out policies that will arrest what the party says is the depravity in the country.
He said the country is seriously challenged with job creation and the main preoccupation of the NPP manifesto is to find jobs for the many who are unemployed across the country.
Blay vehemently dismissed the notion of disunity in the party. He would not discuss whether the party will give an olive branch to the suspended party leaders before the elections.
Party chairman Paul Afoko, General Secretary Kwabena Agyepong and Second Vice Chairman Sammy Crabbe are on holidays serving an indefinite suspension for misconduct. The chair and his vice have challenged their suspension in court but have lost and are currently on appeal.
Freddie Blay said the party is well oiled for victory in 2016.
Source, OTEC FM Kumasi, story by Protocol