No ‘dumsor’ – GRIDCo, ECG, VRA assure

Power generators and distributors in Ghana have allayed fears the country will return to the regime of blackouts following the shutdown of the Ghana National Gas Company for maintenance.
They admitted there will be a generation shortfall of 230MW from the AMERI plant “whose operations depend solely on gas supply from the GNGC.”
In a joint statement, the Volta River Authority, GRIDCo and ECG said: “This anticipated shortfall of 230MW is creating public anxiety that the country may be returning to power crises (dumsor).
“We wish to assure the public that we have put in adequate measures to mitigate the impact of the shortfall.”
Below is the full statement:
For Immediate Release
Following the announcement of a planned shut down by the Ghana National Gas Company (GNGC) for maintenance and also to allow for the connection and commissioning of the gas pipeline system and other equipment from the TEN fields to the Atuabo processing plant from 3 rd to 20th February, 2017, we wish to advise that there will be a generation shortfall of 230MW from the AMERI plant whose operations depend solely on gas supply from the GNGC.
The connection of the TEN fields to the Atuabo plant is critical as it will significantly increase the amount of natural gas to run the power generating facilities at Aboadze and improve the overall reliability of power supply to the general public. This anticipated shortfall of 230MW is creating public anxiety that the country may be returning to power crises (dumsor).
We wish to assure the public that we have put in adequate measures to mitigate the impact of the shortfall as detailed below:
We plan to generate additional power from the Akosombo and Kpong hydroelectric plants, and also from the Tema and Kpone thermal plants which operate on light crude oil (LCO) and diesel respectively, while imports from Cote d’Ivoire will be purchased to make up for the supply deficit.
Additionally, some of the thermal units at Aboadze that have been shut down for planned maintenance would be returned into service during this period.
We take this opportunity to assure electricity consumers and the general public that the power situation will be managed in the most efficient manner during this period to address the anticipated challenges in power supply.
We thank our valued customers for their understanding and cooperation.
Date: January 23, 2017
Venue: Accra.
Jointly Issued by: Volta River Authority, Ghana Grid Company Ltd. and Electricity Company of Ghana