
Kotoko NCC to foot hotel bills for away matches

The National Circles Council (NCC) of Kumasi Asante Kotoko has resolved to aid the work of the team’s management by footing hotel bills in all away matches of Kotoko during the soon-to-start 2016/17 Premier League.

NCC Chairman, Kwaku Amponsah, announced at a Delegates’ Congress on Saturday that, the parent body of Kotoko supporters have resolved to pay hotel bills of the team in all 15 Premier League away match in the new season.

This, according to Kwaku Amponsah, was arrived at by the Executive, Marketing and Sponsorship Committees of the NCC. He said: “The Council through the marketing and sponsorship committees under the able leadership of Charles Opoku shall support the club with all expenses on hotel accommodation of all away matches in the upcoming season”.

He continued that the two committees have also resolved to devise a strategy to market home matches to boost stadium attendance, donate to an orphanage home as part of the Council’s corporate social responsibility while re-organising the Player of the Month Award to make it more lucrative for the players.

“We also want to make sure that the difficulty that our beloved club goes through in winning matches at the Baba Yara Sports Stadium also becomes a thing of the past” he stated.

The settling of the team’s hotel bills in away matches has come at a good time.

Operations Director, Ernest Owusu Ansah described it as an inspiration and an opportunity for Executive Chairman, Dr. Kwame Kyei to cut cost and invest in other profitable ventures.

“I was inspired when I heard the NCC Chairman say that, they will foot the hotel bills for our away matches” he said. “That is a very good step. It will reduce the pressure on Dr. Kwame Kyei. He has a hotel so expenses for home matches are out, so if the bills for away matches are also taken out then Management can use it to get some laid down structures”.







Source: asantekotokosc

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