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Kumasi: Another Policeman found dead; 7th police death in 3 weeks

A Police officer Sergeant Kwame Baidoo who was found unconscious in his bathroom has been pronounced dead upon arrival at the hospital.

Police investigations indicated that his wife who is also a Police officer found her husband lying unconscious in their bathroom after she returned from night duty.

The wife whose name is given as Sergeant Agnes Osei Konadu called on detectives from the Adankwame Police Station who rushed in to take him to the Komfo Anokye Teaching hospital.

However, upon reaching the hospital, the Doctors pronounced him dead.

Currently it’s unclear what has killed the Police Officer but his body has been inspected and deposited at Hospital morgue for preservation and Autopsy.

There have been a series of police deaths lately leading to alarm among the rank and file of the Ghana Police Service.

Source: Mynews

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