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Stay off NDC’s vote of censure against Ofori-Atta – NPP directs Majority Caucus

Justin Kodua Frimpong, NPP General Secretary

The National leadership of the governing New Patriotic Party, NPP, has directed all their Members of Parliament to abstain from a scheduled vote of censure targeted at embattled Finance Minister Ken Ofori-Atta.

The party has thus, ordered the Majority Whips to ensure that no member of the Caucus participates in the exercise expected to take place today, Thursday, November 10, 2022.

The directive was contained in a November 9, press statement signed by General Secretary, Justin Kodua Frimpong.

The statement read in part: “While the National Executive body acknowledges the prevailing socio-economic conditions in the country and the need for urgent remedial interventions, it is our utmost position that the demand of the NDC-led Minority Caucus is ill-intended and aimed at derailing government’s efforts at resolving current socio-economic upheavals.

“The leadership acknowledges that the Minister for Finance is the leader of government’s negotiation team with the International Monetary Fund. Considering that negotiation with the
IMF is nearly completed, the National Executive body of the Party strongly believes that the removal of the lead person spearheading the negotiation may adversely impact the progress
made thus far,” it added.

The statement also took swipe at the calls for Ofori-Atta’s dismissal likening it to the call for former Finance Minister Seth Terkper’s dismissal which was also objected to by the then Majority National Democratic Congress, NDC, Caucus.

“The leadership of the NPP wishes to assure our Members of Parliament and the Ghanaian populace that there are ongoing internal engagements aimed at addressing legitimate concems expressed by various stakeholders regarding the management of the economy, including calls for the resignation or dismissal of the Minister for Finance,” the statement concluded.

Calls for Ofori-Atta’s dismissal and vote of censure move

On October 25, 2022, some 80 NPP MPs demanded the minister resigns over the bad state of the economy but a meeting with the president meant that they stand down their request on two conditions.

The conditions included that Ofori-Atta be allowed to conclude the current phase of financial support negotiations with the International Monetary Fund and also to present the 2023 budget and see to the passage of the appropriation bill before their removal request will be acted upon.

It was on the same day that the Minority Caucus filed a censure. Their leader, Haruna Iddrisu assured the House days ago that the Minority Caucus he leads in Parliament will fully pursue a censure vote initiated against Ofori-Atta.

Speaking on the floor of the House on Tuesday, November 1, 2022; Haruna reiterated having issued a nine-line whip for members of his caucus when the day of voting comes, affirming that he will move the motion before November 10.

“I told the Majority Leader that I can understand his situation, he is confronted with the witches dance. If he dances forward, the mother dies; he goes backwards, the father dies.

“He himself knows that the Hon. Minister for Finance is not performing and cannot perform and cannot deliver us out of the economic woes.”

Haruna Iddrisu after confirming that the motion will be filed also called on MPs in the Majority to join them to remove Ofori-Atta.

“I will move the motion for the censure of the Hon. Minister for Finance, Hon. Ken Ofori-Atta. Those likeminded persons who will dance with us, Mr. Speaker, they will be welcomed in the secret ballots,” Haruna stressed.

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