
Read Bawumia’s Revolutionary Policies and Stop Insults – Sam Pyne Advises NDC

Hon Samuel Pyne, Kumasi Mayor.

The Mayor of Kumasi, Samuel Pyne has advised members of the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) to carefully read through and digest the policies recently outlined by the leader of the NPP, Dr Mahamodu Bawumia to appreciate the wisdom in same.

He noted that rather than the name calling and insults they were heaping on the Vice-President and NPP leader, the NDC should read to understand. 

Speaking on Kwame Sefa Kayi’s popular show on Peace fm famously called Kokrokoo last week, the Kumasi Mayor said, “taking time to read and to understand the policies as espoused by Dr Bawumia will do all of us good than to behave like the NDC whose stock in trade is name calling and the churning of insults”.

He noted that having a fixed tax rate for industry and the service sector was forward looking rather than what pertains now. 


The Mayor said the other proposals outlined including the leveraging on technology to conduct business in the country was legendary. 

The Mayor mentioned that the country was currently reaping the benefits of a formal economy where data and information have been set in place at service and industry points.

He noted that currently the application and acquisition of passports, NHIS cards and Ghana cards have become a seamless exercise where one can even access at home by the use of a mobile phone.

“The implementation of systems to make Ghana   a formal economy was spearheaded by Dr Bawumia and see the dividends we are reaping as a country and as individual since the application and acquisition of basic information and services from state agencies have become seamless”, the Mayor stated.


The Mayor said the difference between the NPP and the NDC was like day and night.

He noted that the NPP thinks deep and brings out forward looking policies, adding that what Dr Bawumia did at the UPSA about two weeks exemplied same.

Hower, he stated that the NDC have been fixated with loose ideas whose explanations from their own members show a lack of vision and coherence. 

“The current generation is looking for a leader that can adequately identify where the world  is heading towards so that they see themselves in same and so i am not surprised the NDC is rather attacking Dr Bawumia for showing deep knowledge in advancing policies and strategies to overcome the challenges sure to show its head in future”, Hon Sam Pyne stressed.

Source: Ghana/otecfmghana.com/ Michael Ofosu-Afriyie,  Kumasi.

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