Ashant Region: REGSEC forms taskforce to clear Kumasi of stray cattle

The Ashanti Regional Security Council has taken decisive action to address the issue of stray cattle on the streets of Kumasi by assembling a dedicated task force to tackle the issue.

Regional Minister Simon Osei Mensah announced the initiative during a press briefing which he said is aimed at reclaiming the city from the intrusion of these animals.
After inspecting newly planted trees as part of the Green Ghana Day initiative, the Regional Minister highlighted the detrimental impact of roaming cattle on the region’s greening efforts.
He acknowledged the difficulty in restraining cattle which he said is the reason an external task force is being constituted. He indicated that members of the task force will be compensated for their services and entrusted with safeguarding the planted trees from cattle interference.
Mr Osei Mensah assured that the allocated budget would cover the task force’s expenses for an initial period of one year and be renewed depending on resource availability.
“You know, it is not easy to catch a cow. It is extremely difficult, so we are going to get some of those people who are good at it to do the work for us. We are going to engage them, we will pay them, and it will be their responsibility to ensure that the trees that we planted will not be consumed by or destroyed by the cattle.
“We will pay them during the period that is for a whole year, and if it is possible to have adequate resources to sustain it, then we sustain them the following year too.”