CSU “Boa Wo Nua” Scholarship Scheme Assists 40 Struggling Students
Mr Richard Owusu, SRC President at CSU flanked by Comfort Asare and Philemon Klokpordzi Williams, Deputy General Secretary and External Affairs Officer respectively.
In an attempt to support needy and struggling students pay their fees at the Christian Service University (CSU), a private university in Kumasi, the Students Representative Council (SRC) has initiated a scheme to provide support to such persons.
Launched last year with the name “Boa Wo Nua” Scholarship Support Scheme, the SRC led by its President, Richard Owusu has so far been able to support about 40 students.
Speaking to this reporter at the campus of CSU on Wednesday, Mr Owusu said the Secretariat had been honoring requests fir support based on the urgency of same.
“We’ve been able to support about 40 students who were facing dismissal with amounts ranging between GHC 500 and GHC 2000.00 from the over GHC45, 000.00 we’ve been able to raise in two semesters”, the SRC President explained.
Support System:
The SRC President said the scheme has so far run on the benevolence of some private individuals, corporate organisations and the Member of Parliament for the Nhyiaeso constituency, Dr Stephen Amoah.
He mentioned that the Secretariat has been soliciting for support from these individuals and organisations to run the scheme.
Repsonses, Mr Owusu noted has been encouraging and stated that the plan is to institutionalise the scheme so that it can still run after the current administration term expires.
“We are committed to raising so much funds for the sustenance of the scheme so that more people could be supported even when we are out of office and upon our completion of school”, the President stated.
The SRC President commended the school authorities for supporting the set up of the scheme.
He also particularly praised the efforts of some persons who have so far donated money to keep the scheme running.
Mr Owusu said but for the benevolence of some of these philanthropists, corporate organisations and the Member of Parliament, many of the students who have received the support would have stopped school.
“We are grateful to CSU authorities for allowing us to set up this scholarship scheme which has provided support to many struggling students who but for the donations from our benefactors would have had to stop school”, the SRC President stressed.
Source: Ghana/otecfmghana.com/Michael Ofosu-Afriyie, Kumasi.