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Abdullai Naaba eats humble pie as he apologises to Nana Addo

colliThe brother of Hon Collins Dauda, Abdullai Naaba has apologized to Ghanaians and the NPP for the unhealthy utterances he made about murdering people every day.
Naaba in November made an outburst on a Kumasi based radio station that he had some unnamed persons who kill people every day and would not hesitate to murder any NPP supporter who attacked the NDC. He also vowed to deal ruthlessly with Member of Parliament for Assin central, Hon. Kennedy Agyapong for threatening him.

But speaking on Hot fm, Naaba made a quick u-turn, apologized to Ghanaians and said that his utterances were born out of anger and the heat of the campaign period.
“I am not a murderer, no one in my family is a murderer…I made those comments out of anger and Ghanaians should forgive me.

According to him, he has been of tremendous help to his friends in the NPP and to prove his sincerity, he is willing to support and serve with all humility the president elect Nana Akufo-Addo.
He expressed belief in Nana Addo to not prosecute him after he is sworn in on the 7th of January as against the wishes of some Ghanaians because he is a father for all.
“if am on my knees as we talk right now, I am broken and weak.

Abdullai Naaba appealed to Hon. Kennedy Agyapong who he described as a brother to have no ill feelings against him because he prays consistently for him to get a ministerial appointment in the coming administration.

He touted Nana Addo as a man loved by God, brave and wise man who he is willing to serve until his dying day.

“Allah knew Nana Addo could perform better as president that is why He chose him to lead the country in an election as free and fair as the 2016 polls

Source, OTECNEWS, Story by Charles Asare





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